Women’s Self Defence
Essential Skills for Safety
Art of Defence also conducts specialist Women’s Self Defence courses and private lessons can also be booked with any of our instructors. We teach in over 30 schools, many for over 20 years.
Why Learn Self Defence?
A personal anecdote from Amelia Zarb aged 30 something at that time…
“I needed to use a public phone outside a busy chemist in West Meadows. Mobile phones were around then, but very expensive. It was a hot January afternoon. I turned my back to make the call, and then I covered my other ear to form a vacuum. It was difficult to hear over the noise from the traffic.
I was stabbed in the shoulder with a syringe. I had no awareness at all! And did I yell and lash out? No, I think I cried and wet myself. How effective was that? The culprit then laughed as he ran away, humiliating me even more.
I had to wait six months for the results of the blood tests as to whether I had been infected with the AIDS virus or not.
I now reiterate this to all my students, emphasizing the importance of facing the public, being aware, and if necessary, assertive. Do not look like a good target to others. I then began my journey in Martial Arts.
You may now say, that public phones are becoming obsolete, and that most people carry mobile phones. And what else do they do with their mobiles?
SMS text messages maybe? And how much awareness do they have whilst totally involved in doing that? Head down?
Same problem, different circumstances.”

What is Self Defence?
Did you know that most sexual attacks occur in the home?
Did you know that approximately 86% of assailants are known to their victim?
Self Defence is NOT a martial art. It is all about survival techniques and dirty street fighting.
As is obvious in the daily news, there is a great need for all of us in the community to learn the skills necessary to ward off potential attackers. Education is certainly the way to do so. We teach you how to avoid potentially dangerous situations, and how to cope with them if you are attacked. We show you how to become more assertive and self confident, whilst increasing your level of personal development and health awareness; by very patient and expert instructors.
Course Objectives
Feel free to organise your own group of like minded relatives and friends for a fun filled self defence program. Or, if preferred, arrange personal appointments for us to teach you want you want and need to know. In either instance, we come to you and bring all the necessary equipment with us.
A maximum of 24 participants per Coach or you may wish to enjoy personal training for the same fee. Organise a group of your family and friends, book a date and time and we will come to teach the course. All we need is clear span space… we bring all the necessary equipment with us!
Course Aims
The overall aims of these courses are:-
To better recognize, avoid and defuse dangerous situations
To apply effective techniques for physical self defence and
To experience subsequent improvements in quality of life and feelings of empowerment and control, with freedom from excessive anxiety.
The follwing relates to the first of these aims and covers in better detail some of these points, which are covered in the theory component.
- the concepts of safer, secure living
- attacks on women
- safety in the home
- defensive behaviour in and around the car
- defensive living whilst walking alone
- description of offenders
- effects of drugs and alcohol.
Self Defence Coaches
Our Coaches are all qualified with Diplomas in Sports Coaching and Sports Development, are members of the Australian Guild Of Black Belts, Martial Arts Professionals, Australian Karate Federation, and are qualified Sports Aiders as well.
We are very mobile, and can cover greater Melbourne, by appointment.
Please contact us for a free demonstration. A demonstration would provide you with an insight into our style of teaching, content and absolute professional approach.
It is important to feel good about yourself, to be safe and to enjoy a good quality of life. Self Defence Courses empower you and help you to change your outlook on life. Perhaps, where you may have been perceived to be a good target, you know become someone who looks confident and not such a good target. It is important to think defensively at all times.
To enquire please call us on 0407 320 333
OUR programs

All are welcome to come along and enjoy 2 free sessions, plus receive a free uniform on joining (saving $115!)